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Forum Posts

Mother Wit
Jan 01, 2022
In General Discussion
I just want to say thank you to all of you for hanging in there with me this year. It started off on a low note with the sudden closure of Pebble. Many of you stuck it out with me through that transition, others met me in the aftermath and might not even know what I'm talking about! After that, I regrouped and relaunched Mother Wit, a business that was already up and running but was a small business serving people (in the flesh-novel idea!) in the New Orleans area. I'm finally feeling like I've got my feet on the ground and a bit of momentum behind me and your support played a huge role in my ability to survive this year. Thank you doesn't really cut it. As always, I maintain an open door (i.e. text, email, video chat) policy if any of you have ideas, want to suggest partnerships, have a business you would like me to consider a partnership with, etc. I want to see all of us succeed in 2022! Kiss your babies for me and all the best to you and your families, Tanya
Mother Wit
Dec 05, 2021
In General Discussion
Hey there. Hope everyone is enjoying the holidays - whatever that might look like for you these days. I am super excited to announce that I will start a podcast in 2022! The couple of IG lives that I have done with those of you who graciously volunteered your time quickly made me realize that a podcast, as opposed to IG live, will allow me to do this right, meaning better quality, greater accessible, and as an added bonus, no more managing time zones, hoping for folks to be online at just the right time, or leaving out the folks that prefer to avoid social media (I see you!) It will be a mix of client stories and professional interviews with a few ideas for recurring segments that Im sitting with. I'd like to have 12 episodes ready to go before launch. Anyway, give me a holler if you want in!
Mother Wit
Nov 09, 2021
In General Discussion
Welcome graduates and current clients. I have been a terrible host over on FB. As some of you may know, I'm not a huge fan of social media, mostly because Id like to spend my time doing what I love and do best, midwifing and not PR. I'm hoping that by moving you all over here and my creating categories, etc. this will help. Now, those of you who post on IG, keep the family photos and stories coming! I do love seeing your faces, laughing with you, and of course, watching all your babies grow. One more thing, there are two password-protected pages. Resources and Exercise Library. While these are both still in development, there is already some great stuff there and I would be happy to give all graduates access if interested. Just shoot me an email and I'll shoot you back the password!
Mother Wit
Nov 09, 2021
In General Discussion
Share your thoughts. Feel free to add GIFs, videos, #hashtags and more to your posts and comments. Get started by commenting below.
Mother Wit
Nov 09, 2021
In General Discussion
We'd love to get to know you better. Take a moment to say hi to the community in the comments.
Mother Wit
Nov 09, 2021
In General Discussion
We want everyone to get the most out of this community, so we ask that you please read and follow these guidelines: Respect each other Keep posts relevant to the forum topic No spamming

Mother Wit

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